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Primerrily Library
While the Library of Congress serves as the national library of the United States,
the Library of Primerrily serves as the library of this community! Here is where you can find all of our past posts testifying to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In these archives, it is self-evident that American families -- from sea to shining sea -- are passing on these values and ideals to our next generation.

Britt Riner
2 min read
Make it A Declaration Party Like No Other
Here's a kid-friendly, easy, and meaningful way to celebrate the 4th! Pool parties, hot dogs, and watermelon? Check, check, check! A...

Britt Riner
4 min read
Americana Trivia (in Kid lingo) for Your 4th of July Bash
The 4th is made fun with hot dogs, pools, and a long weekend, and this Primerrily piece is sure to make a good time even better. This...

Primerrily Crew Contributor
5 min read
Keeping Kids Bright with EverBright Magazine
We're excited to introduce Primerrily families to EverBright Kids Magazine. Some of your kids may already be subscribers, so for those...

Primerrily Crew Contributor
4 min read
Want your kids to build character at school? Try these 3 recs
We’ve all heard (from the media and from our kids) a lot about bullying -- the kind on the playground and the kind in cyberspace. Often...

Allison Lee Pillinger Choi
5 min read
Treehouse Trivia: 30 Second (Patriotic) Mysteries For Kids
Our kids are having a blast solving the “mysteries” found in 30 Second Mysteries by Spinner Books! And to be very honest, we’re also...

Cynthia Schmidt
4 min read
5 Ways to Make storytime Extra Meaningful
Today we are spending a tremendous amount of energy debating which children's books should be cancelled and which ones should be...

Primerrily Crew Contributor
7 min read
The Case for Common Humanity Over Critical Race Theory in K-12 Education
We’d like to think that our kids are too young to be exposed to the “grown-up” current climate of political polarization, racial tension,...

Allison Lee Pillinger Choi
2 min read
Animaniacs Throwback: Sprinkle Some of Your Childhood Into Your Child
We’re reminiscing about some good old-fashioned cartoons. . . and by “old” we mean 90’s! Those were the days when mobile phones were the...

A.J. Grey
11 min read
Reality Is Outpacing Satire in Woke America: Do You Have Whiplash, Too?
Woke absurdities are taking over culture -- including that of our kids' classrooms, bookshelves, and toy chests -- faster than we can...

Allison Lee Pillinger Choi
4 min read
How This Mama Bear Made Her Voice Heard -- And How You Can, Too
It's intimidating and scary to voice an opinion that runs against what seems to be a majority opinion. Nevertheless, now that I’m a mama...

Allison Lee Pillinger Choi
3 min read
Soft Bigotry of Anti-Racism vs. Inherent Dignity in Each Individual
“The antidote to racism is not anti-racism. It is a philosophy of humanism that celebrates and uplifts the inherent dignity in each...

Britt Riner
9 min read
Choosing to Love -- Even When Liking is Hard
Many people have a lot of harsh words for America today, and it can be hard for patriots to know how to respond with compassion and...

Allison Lee Pillinger Choi
5 min read
Books to Make Presidents’ Day a Page-Turner
Surely we will all have a little love left over from Valentine’s Day -- share it on Presidents’ Day! This year, the national holiday...

Primerrily Crew Contributor
4 min read
Why K-12 Education Needs Viewpoint Diversity Now
This article was originally published by Heterodox Academy. We thank author/educator Will Reusch and "HxA" for its blog content...

Primerrily Crew Contributor
4 min read
What to Do When Your Child's Teacher Preaches Politics
A few weeks ago, I learned about this wonderful website -- Primerrily’s digital community -- and was struck by its timeliness. By Julie...

Lila Ontinveros
4 min read
A Gift from A Godparent That Reaps Dividends
The Godmother Bond. . . and Its Return on Investment I am blessed to be the godmother to some amazing kids. I take this role very...

Sarah Monning Schoellkopf
3 min read
Reflections on U.S. History from a Purposefully Patriotic Parent
A phenomenal selection of children’s American literature exists that will make you, your kids, and your entire family fall more deeply...

Britt Riner
7 min read
10 Things to Do and Say on Veterans Day
Veterans Day: We know it’s an important day, but we can often feel at a loss for how to celebrate it. Don’t worry, Primerrily is here to...

Allison Lee Pillinger Choi
7 min read
1619 Project Follies and 1776 Commission Hopes
Radical anti-American constructs are tearing apart unifying American ideals like equality and freedom. The 1776 Commission aims to restore.

A.J. Grey
6 min read
Commas Save Lives -- and Society!
A high school English teacher once told one of us, “The breakdown of language leads to the breakdown of society.”
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