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Primerrily Library
While the Library of Congress serves as the national library of the United States,
the Library of Primerrily serves as the library of this community! Here is where you can find all of our past posts testifying to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In these archives, it is self-evident that American families -- from sea to shining sea -- are passing on these values and ideals to our next generation.
Allison Lee Pillinger Choi
3 min read
Labor Day and the Value of Work
Labor Day – observed this year on Monday, September 7th – is our national holiday celebrating the effort and ethic of Americans’ hard work.
Britt Riner
4 min read
Americana Trivia (in Kid lingo) for Your 4th of July Bash
The 4th is made fun with hot dogs, pools, and a long weekend, and this Primerrily piece is sure to make a good time even better. This...
Rachel Gerli
7 min read
Create a Meaningful Memorial Day
Remembering the fallen, as a family. As a kid, the combination of decorating the house, throwing a barbecue, and having the day off from...
Cynthia Schmidt
4 min read
5 Ways to Make storytime Extra Meaningful
Today we are spending a tremendous amount of energy debating which children's books should be cancelled and which ones should be...
Britt Riner
7 min read
Character In Need of A Renaissance: Is Chivalry Dead?
Is Chivalry dead? Not if Primerrily parents have anything to say about it! At Primerrily, we believe character is built by doing the...
Britt Riner
5 min read
4 Phrases to Encourage Your Kids to Persevere!
In honor of the Perseverance rover landing on Mars last week, we are celebrating the virtue for which this space craft is named! And,...
Allison Lee Pillinger Choi
3 min read
Not Just Hollywood Heroes: Get Inspired by True Hero Missions
Hollywood and entertainment media are overflowing with heroes “defending good” and “saving the world.” From countless Marvel characters...
Allison Lee Pillinger Choi
6 min read
When Schools Teach Greta Thunberg Before Teaching George and Teddy
How I balanced the conversation with my kids using real lessons on respecting our environment, using conservative principles of...
Britt Riner
4 min read
5 Easy Ways to Celebrate Presidents’ Day
Some people get the day off work, some get the day off school, but what is Presidents’ Day really all about? Well, being the United...
Allison Lee Pillinger Choi
5 min read
Keeping Civility in Civil Rights: Carrying on MLK's Legacy
What do your kids know about Martin Luther King, Jr? Yes, he delivered the iconic “I have a dream” speech, but we can teach our kids so...
Primerrily Crew Contributor
3 min read
Our Ten Commandments of Technology For Kids
Managing screen time (hello Siri!), tech devices (hello Alexa!), and technology overall (hello YouTube algorithms auto-feeding our...
Allison Lee Pillinger Choi
3 min read
Reflection + Resolution: Turning a Tough Year into Fun Family Activity
In any typical year, we might dust off our New Year’s resolution list from last January. We’d laugh at how many resolutions we did not...
A.J. Grey
5 min read
What Should We Watch Tonight? MUSICALS.
Old-fashioned showtunes may be exactly what redeems screentime this Christmas. As we approach a different holiday season from ones past,...
Britt Riner
4 min read
Happy Hanukkah! Merry Christmas! Happy What?
One of Primerrily’s goals is to make civility about old-fashioned kindness and respect as opposed to political correctness. In this...
Allison Lee Pillinger Choi
6 min read
Celebrating Native American Heritage Day!
We LOVE Thanksgiving for many reasons, including the family, the food, and the reflection. While our 2020 style Thanksgiving is nothing...
Allison Lee Pillinger Choi
4 min read
This One Morning Routine Could Change the World
Ok, perhaps not THE world, but your kid’s world. . . this Navy Admiral says, "Make your bed!" Primerrily isn’t here to reinvent the wheel...
A.J. Grey
4 min read
“If I Were in Charge”: An Election Platform Written by Your Kid
I still remember a writing assignment my first grade teacher gave us: to write a book called “If I Ruled the World,” based on the Judith...
Britt Riner
5 min read
Trick-or-Treating Teaches Taxation: As Easy as Taking Candy from a Baby
In this Primerrily piece, we're using Halloween candy to teach the tough truth about taxes. While Halloween may feel different for your...
Cynthia Schmidt
3 min read
3 Ways to Teach Your Kids to Argue Nicely
In the ideal world, we teach to be nice. In the ideal real world, we teach to argue nicely! "Stop fighting!" our three-year-old daughter...
Allison Lee Pillinger Choi
3 min read
The Tooth Fairy Teaches Civics!
When your kid loses his or her, turn the Tooth Fairy’s visit into a celebratory civics lesson!
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